Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas at CNC

Ok so christmas outside in the cold foggy weather at 6 am isn't the most ideal spot to be, but hey I'm dedicated. I realize I haven't put anything up in a while but I haven't for good reason. 1. It's been raining for the last week none stop and not just a drizzle. 2. The weather played havoc with the Z so I was fearing the worst, such as a blown motor, broken trans, you know something along those lines. And yeah I over reacted but you would too if you heard the noises it was making. But it's fine so everything is once again right in the universe (well almost) but I digress.  So it's christmas and yes I was at a car show, it's amazing the dedication some people have to CNC (Cars and Coffee) I don't include myself because I'm still getting there.
I do have some slight updates for the Z too, nothing has been done yet but I will be able to start it soon with any luck but here is the list so far, call it a new year's resolution so to speak.
1. Repaint the Z with new's a surprise.
2. Pay for the Modern Motorsports Brake Brackets and get brake lines made.
3. Clean junkyard parts for the install

A few italians braved the weather to be there.

Steve's car coming in looked really cool with all the lights on..note to self get picture next time.

Yes it says hardcore on the motor...and incase your wondering check the video.

Santa was there and he drives a red Mazda 5.

I had forgotten that my Z said 240-Z across the windshield at one point.

Oh I also have video of one of the loudest Camaro's I've ever heard.

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